Dune Bashing Anyone?

Salamz everyone,

Opps, i did it again! Ya, its been a month. Just checked on my mail and i found this short video cut by my dear friends who are also in the trip to Dubai last November. I still remember that the last day we were all there, we got a chance to put ourself in for a Dune Bashing trip. Itupun booked by our new friends that we knew, Tokei Kedai tempat kitaorang borong silk. I bet most of Malaysian who went to Dubai mesti sure singgah kat Pulwani’s or well known as stewardess boutique store. I don’t even know how on earth they got that name tapi sangat senang nak tawar menawar since they are very fluent in bahasa and they served Teh Tarik!

By the way, we started our journey after zohor prayers and we should reached the desert by noon. It took us an hour to reach there. I’m suprised since there are an amount of tourist. Huge amount i guess! Ramai giler and i think its around 30 four wheel drive and each car can fit around 5 pax. And its almost time when the marshall horn it off to start the journey. Before that, all the drivers are making the preparation by inflating the tyre. Kalau tak, mampus tergolek dalam jeep tue nanti.





Our talented driver Haniff always making fun of us and reminded us not to take food and drink where he afraid that we would throw up later on through the journey. But to be honest, the first 10 minutes je kitaorang jerit giler giler when Haniff showing his skills off. And later than that, kitaorang dengan selamba nya layan makan Lays and minum diet coke dalam jeep tue. Hahahaha. Angin je Haniff. Sorry Haniff but the journey is really a long way to go before we reach Basecamp nak tgk Joget Lambak, naik unta and try ATV!



But afterall, it was such an experience. I won’t forget the camel ride, the arabic joget lambak (giler argghh) and ATV ride. And paling sakit hati bile tgk local peoples gi mini market naik ATV. What the fish! Macam naik basikal waktu petang jek. Not to forget, BBQ daging unta. Argh, i won’t try it again, i think i can only drink the camel milk tapi the kids type ajer ok.

This is the video given by friends, such a long video since it show the overall journey from noon to midnite tapi sudah dicut.

Ya, i know it was such a backdated entry, tapi tak kisah la kan. hehehe. This year kena kurangkan berjalan since H1N1 kan? such a lame reason. Cakap je lar dah almost bancrupt kan since i got another mission this year.

Simply me,
The Province of Chroma